Who we are

Jeffery Hale Community Partners (JH Partners) is a community-based charitable organization whose mission is to better the health and wellness of the English-speaking community of the Greater Québec City (or Capitale-Nationale) region, including Portneuf and Charlevoix, with a focus on those most at risk and aligned with our values of human connection, integrity, inclusion and caring.

Read our Annual Impact Report.  Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow our Wellness Centre on Facebook and Instagram.

What makes us unique

Jeffery Hale Community Partners is all about caring, community and trailblazing. Known for our tenacity and effectiveness (and also for our fun-loving nature), we put our approach of supportive teamwork, creativity and agility to work in serving the English-speaking population of the Greater Québec City region.

JH Partners is a catalyst for innovative outreach approaches to help improve the quality of life of the members of the community, especially the most vulnerable among them.  We are leaders in helping to ensure that our community remains a priority in terms of the organization of the local health and social services system.  Not only do we fill the gaps in that system by directly providing many services in English ourselves, but we work continuously to ensure that various decision-makers understand our community’s priorities and needs so that they too will work to respond to them in turn with appropriate linguistically-adapted and accessible services.

Through both formal and informal channels, we interact with all three levels of government and other leaders and influencers―such as universities, foundations, and other community organizations―to advocate on behalf of our community.  As a trusted source of information, we constantly monitor and provide details about our community’s needs, characteristics and unique challenges and how they affect the health status of its members. This is a long-term, persistent effort that involves explaining our mission, services, activities, events and projects.

We are at our best when working together with our partners, a fact perhaps best represented by our community-based board of directors (see “How we are governed” below), and by the Wellness Centre at the Jeffery Hale that we manage in close collaboration with our long-standing public partner, Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s (JHSB) and a community organization, Voice of English-speaking Quebec (VEQ). Read on to learn about our other valued partners.

How we are governed

Funded in large part by its six member organizations, JH Partners is an autonomous non-profit community organization. Its members are community institutions, organizations or foundations that have each made an ongoing commitment of financial support. Each of these member organizations is represented on JH Partners’ Board of Directors by a delegate.

Our six member organizations

  • The Jeffery Hale Foundation:  Financially assists not-for-profit health and social services institutions operating in the Quebec City community and participates in other philanthropic and charitable endeavours.
  • Saint Brigid’s Home Foundation: Contributes to the quality of life of the residents of Saint Brigid’s Home by raising funds to purchase equipment and services not foreseen in regular operating budgets.
  • Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s Corporation: The corporation owns the immovable assets of JHSB and is legally mandated to preserve the latter’s resources and mission to serve the English-speaking minority.
  • The Congregation of the Catholics of Quebec Speaking the English Language: The organization behind Saint Patrick’s Church which serves the English-speaking Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Quebec City.
  • Citadel Foundation: Provides financial assistance and support to organizations working primarily with English speakers living in the Greater Quebec region with the primary objectives of relieving suffering and poverty, improving health and social services, and encouraging educational and cultural activities.
  • The Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec: Goals include alleviating poverty, supporting Christian education, assisting candidates for Holy Orders, distributing Prayer books and Bibles, and helping with the building and maintenance of Church buildings and cemeteries.

Meet our Board of Directors

Learn more about each of our board members.

Who we work with

One of the principal cornerstones of our success is the effective and lasting partnership between JH Partners and JHSB, the public sector health institution recognized as having a designated responsibility to serve our region’s English-speaking population. Together, JH Partners and JHSB have built and continue to develop a significant complementary service offer to meet the health and social services needs of our minority population. This close partnership unites the strengths and resources of the community and public sector. It is also a testament to the English-speaking community’s strong tradition of direct involvement when it comes to meeting the needs of its members.

We also work very closely with Voice of English-speaking Quebec, a legally incorporated, non-profit community organization promoting the interests of a vital and cohesive English-speaking community. VEQ provides a variety of community programs and services directly to the English-speaking population.

The Wellness Centre (WE) is a consortium of community organizations formalized by an agreement signed by each of these three pillar organizations. The innovative collaboration that is the WE is a true partnership, pooling resources to identify needs, then coordinate and deliver mutually-agreed-upon activities and services, as well as to provide staff and funding, all for one common goal: A healthy English-speaking community whose more vulnerable members receive the support they need.

JH Partners pursues yet another goal through the WE: To promote a sense of community belonging and support through social solidarity and networking with fellow English speakers. Our scope of activities reaches beyond the WE to serve the English-speaking community directly. We often lend our community development expertise to other local entities to support—and not replace—the formal and informal care systems already established.

We are fortunate to be able to count on the support of some key foundations from within our community. In addition to providing the nucleus of our funding, these valued partners help us to continue to develop new community and service initiatives.

As a driving force behind the Community of Care, it is obvious that partnership and collaboration are at the heart of JH Partners’ values of human connection, integrity, inclusion and caring. If we can claim success in carrying out our work, it is thanks to the invaluable support of not only JHSB and our community’s foundations, over 200 individual donors, as well as several organizations, including the following:






What we do

Learn more about our areas of strategic focus under which we organize our programs, services and activities:


Community Development & Vitality


Wellness Programs


WE Volunteer

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